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发布于 2023-09-25 12:12 阅读(



请你以Friends为题,写一篇90词左右的漫笔,可以围绕主题适当展开,论述结交的重要性和洽处。【优秀满分范文】FriendsWhat are friends? We often talk about the topic with others. I think friends are those people who can help you when you are in trouble. Don’t forget the saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Friends can tell you your mistakes, though what they say is hard for you to listen to. You can share your happiness, trouble and worry with friends. Someone also says, “You can’t walk any step without a friend.” So I think friends are very important to us. I would like to make as many friends as possible.亮点剖析1. I think friends are those people who can help you when you are in trouble. 我认为朋侪是那些在你处在难题时能资助你的人。定语从句who can help you when you are in trouble修饰those people;be in trouble处于难题之中2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 磨难见真情。


3. Friends can tell you your mistakes, though what they say is hard for you to listen to. 朋侪可以指出你的错误,只管忠言逆耳。though (conj.)conj. 虽然,只管;纵然;纵然Though the task was difficult,they managed to accomplish it on time.只管任务难题,他们仍定时完成了。

They will probably win, though no one thinks so.他们可能会获胜,然而没有人这样认为。He still argues, though he knows he's wrong. 虽然他知道错了,可仍在争辩。He did reply, though not immediately.他确实回复了,不外不是立马回复。She didn't love him, though she pretended to.她并不爱他,虽然她装出爱的样子。

Though he's fool, I like him nonetheless.虽然他很笨, 我仍然喜欢他.It's quite pleasant today, though the wind is rather cool.只管风有点凉, 今天天气还是很不错的.I enjoy it though it is hard work.只管这是一件辛苦的事情,可是我很乐意.Though [Although] it was raining,we went there. 虽然下着雨,但我们还是去了那儿。Though [Although] it was barely four o’clock, the lights were already on. 只管才四点钟,灯已经亮了。Though [Although] we are poor, we are still happy. 我们虽然穷,仍然很快活。

用于倒装 though 引导的让步状语从句可用部门倒装的形式(注意:倒装后位于句首的名词之前不用冠词),但 although 一般不这样用:Poor though I am, I can afford it. 我虽穷,但这工具还是买得起的。Child though he was, he did quite well. 他虽是孩子,但干得很好。4. You can’t walk any step without a friend.没有朋侪你寸步难行。

5. I would like to make as many friends as possible. 我想结识尽可能多的朋侪。I would like to do……我想做某事……乐意做某事I would like to make the following points. 我想提出下列几点。I hate to trouble you, but Aunt Lina's birthday is coming up and I would like to buy something nice for her. 我真不愿打扰您,但莉娜阿姨的生日就要到了,我想给她买点好工具。

There is a matter of some delicacy which I would like to discuss 有件有点儿棘手的事我想要商量一下。Lastly, I would like to ask about your future plans 最后,我想问一下你未来的计划。I would like to thank them for allowing me to develop their original idea 我想谢谢他们允许我深入完善他们最初的想法。I would like to know why we pensioners are being so badly treated. 我想知道为什么我们这些领养老金的人受到如此恶劣的看待。

I would like to conclude by saying that I do enjoy your magazine. 最后,我想说我简直很喜欢你们的杂志。I would like to express my warmest thanks to the doctors. 我想向医生们表达我最由衷的谢谢。

Susan bit back the words she would like to have said 苏珊话到嘴边又咽了回去。Sophie asked her if she would like to come and give art lessons. 索菲问她是否愿意来教美术课。Perhaps you would like to pay a visit to London. 也许,您乐意去游览一下伦敦。

We would like to put the past behind us. 我们想抛开已往。She would like to be financially independent 她希望在经济上能够自立。They say they would like to contribute more to charity, but money is tight this year 他们说他们很想募捐更多的钱支持慈善事业,可是今年的钱很是紧张。as many +名词复数+ as possible尽可能多的……as much +不行数名词+as possible尽可能多的…… The goal is to raise as much money as possible. 目的是筹集到尽可能多的资金。

Russian banks rushed to buy as many dollars as they could 俄罗斯各家银行争相抢购美元。Their aim will be to produce as much milk as possible 他们的目的是尽可能提高牛奶产量。China needs the services of as many intellectuals as possible for the task of socialist construction. 我国的社会主义建设事业需要尽可能多的知识分子为它服务。

I had created a way to get my message across while using as few words as possible. 我想出了一种能言简意赅地表达自己意思的方法。I've always entered as many photo competitions as I can 我总是尽可能多地到场摄影角逐。To include as many viewpoints as possible, the editor reserves the right to shorten letters. 为了能包罗尽可能多的看法,编辑保留对信件举行删节的权力。

In business, it is important to network with as many people as possible on a face to face basis. 在生意场上,通过与尽可能多的人面临面地打交道来建设事情关系很重要。Prisons are having to pack in as many inmates as possible 牢狱只好拼命往内里塞监犯。

参考译文 朋侪 什么是朋侪?我们经常和别人谈论这个话题。我认为朋侪是那些在你遇到难题时能资助你的人。别忘了这句话:“磨难之交才是真正的朋侪”。



